Sunday, January 24, 2021

 I wanted to provide a little more details on the different types of people who sign up to be Color Street stylists.
It doesn’t always have to mean you run an online VIP group or have virtual or in home parties. It could very easily mean you enjoy the perks of being a stylist while being your own best customer!
Just some food for thought.


 January Foundation new Set

Browse and Shop Here:

💅Haven't book a party yet? Yes it is a good way to get free nails!
🥳Looking for 2 to 3 to host in February could be a nice Valentine theme or a theme of your choosing! Looking for March too! Remember besides the lovely Valentine nails I am sure we will be hearing on the St Patrick's day line soon!!
So if you are interested, just let me know below for more info!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

That's right Host a January party, 3 orders and a total of $300.00 in sales and you get 2 free sets of the above!!  Such a beautiful set!!
 Let me know!!


 New Shopping link for Jazzy Nailarium

2021 New Exclusive Holiday Limited Edition Sets dropped today!! Get them while you can, they are limited quantities! So let's get ready ...